Science is amazing but researching science requires a lot of equipment and money. For people who want to do research, that is quite an issue. For those who want to repeat certain experiments, it can also be an issue. But, what about doing really simple experiments? Some of those require almost nothing but common household items. Could you repeat some experiments with just simple items, which you most likely have lying around? Yes, you could and here are some experiments which you can do right now.
A Sour Volcano
Combining baking soda with vinegar creates quite a dramatic reaction, the vinegar starts to erupt and basically flies out of your container. This is an interesting experiment and requires the two ingredients as well as a container. Bonus points if you paint the container to look like a volcano.
Tornadoes in a Bottle
If you take two bottles and connect them at their necks, you can have tornadoes in a bottle. The way this works is because of water flowing in a certain direction while it goes down from the top bottle to the bottom bottle. You would, of course, have to have a steady flow of water from top to bottom. While the water is moving down, it is pushing the air out of the lower bottle. Adding color to the water makes it even more interesting, because then the tornado would have a different color.

Discount Lava Lamp
Lava lamps were incredibly popular in the 70s but have also proven to be a bit of a hazard. Nowadays, there are more environment friendly versions of lava lamps. But what if you didn’t want to purchase a lava lamp? Making one at home is really simple, with a water bottle and some alka seltzer. Alka seltzer contains some oil, so adding it to water will make the water go down, given that they have different densities. Adding food color gives you a lava lamp.
Instant Ice
Purified water is amazing. You take a bottle of purifying water and you put it in a freezer. It will eventually get near its freezing point. It only needs an ice nucleus to start freezing. An ice cube, or if you want a more dramatic effect, you can pour the purified water over an ice cube, will freeze it immediately. It makes for a very dramatic effect if you’re having guests over.
Science can be fun and it can be practiced at home. These experiments can be repeated by anyone who has access to regular household items. Surely enough, you want to try some of these? With just a bit of knowledge and a look at your pantry, you can repeat these in no time at all.